As we wait for the annual return of the osprey (on or about March 23), the web cam at the power company platform has captured lots of images of a pair of bald eagles. They have definitely spruced up the nest to their liking; they have been seen “dining” on flounder and assorted ducks; and, they have been observed mating.
The bird on the right is slightly smaller and is probably the male with complete adult plumage, thus at least 5 years old. The slightly larger bird on the left is likely the female. Note that her plumage is not complete, she is probably 3-4 years old. Bald eagles generally do not breed until they are full adults. Even if this pair does not complete a breeding season they definitely appear to be setting up a territory and forming a pair bond.
Several questions pop to mind: will the eagle lay eggs and attempt to nest on the platform, or are they too young still to successfully proceed with nesting; are they just hanging out at the platform and building another nest elsewhere (they generally prefer to not be so exposed); and, of most interest, what will happen when the osprey return????
Check back at this TNC website for a season of narration of eagles and/or ospreys.